There are over 4900 cryptocurrencies on the market right now and this number is rising. What should you do?
These are 3 methods that investors use to include different types of assets in their portfolio: REITs, stocks and real estate investing. So, which one should you settle for? This article will examine each one, along with their advantages and drawbacks, after which you can come to a conclusion.
"The Little Book That Still Beats the Market"
Literature often succeeds in amazing us and allowing us to find out new things. Whether you were or weren’t listening to your parents’ insistence to take a book and read, you have to admit that a piece of literature can offer great lessons. “The Little Book that Still Beats the Market” is no exception. In fact, it’s considered one of the gems of finance literature, being a useful tool for those new to investing and pros alike. ETFs vs. Mutual Funds
Unless you’re new to investing, you have probably heard about the existence of ETFs and mutual funds. They are two funding types that help investors add some diversity to their portfolio. However, beginner investors often find themselves in the middle of a hard choice-making process: which one of the two is worth investing in? What are the advantages and drawbacks of the two? Read this article to find out exactly that. |
September 2022